Countryway Insurance offers Personal Automobile, Homeowners/Renters/Dwelling and Personal Umbrella coverages.
We also insure farm operations and home-farms including farm commercial vehicles and Umbrella.
Country Pride Gold
This competitively priced plan, designed to meet the needs of homeowner in your area, includes these special features.
  • Replacement coverage for your home's contents offers protection for many of your personal possesions without deducting for depreciation.
  • Inflation protection for the insured value of your home *
  • Liability coverage options of $100,000, $200,000, $300,000, and $500,000 available.
  • Installment payment plans available
  • Other Countryway policies available, including auto* and personal umbrella insurance.

Special Discounts too!

  • Residential smoke alarms or security systems will save you money on your premium.
  • Premium savings are yours by purchasing a deductible greater than $250.
  • New home discounts* for homes under 20 years old can provide additional savings.

Call today.

Contact your local Countryway insurance agent for more details and a free estimate proposal.

* The availability of these policy options and premium discounts will vary by each state in which Countryway Insurance Company is licensed.